The I am 5, watch me thrive parent connection group is a series of three in person conversations supported by local professionals that will introduce parents to topics that are relevant to kids entering kindergarten.  Each group will consist of a cohort of parents and caregivers that will come together to learn from each other and from guest facilitators.

The series is geared toward families with children who will be entering kindergarten in September 2024. Families will discuss topics around mental health, services for the primary years, and kindergarten readiness. In addition, this program will foster community connections and reduce isolation that parents and caregivers may feel as a result of the pandemic. The program will be a mix of informal and facilitated conversations with childminding and a refreshments provided so participants can learn and connect in a focused way.

While parents are engaged in the conversation cafes, children will participate in thoughtfully planned activities supported by an ECE or Responsible Adult in a room near by. These activities will encourage and support development at the age and stage they are at. Information and resources on topics that reduce known childhood vulnerabilities will be provided by FAN Network members and service providers.

The Family Action Network of the Lower Columbia is an active network of people who understand the importance of early childhood development, and who work together to make the region the best place to raise a family. Our Network strongly believes that it takes a village to raise a child and families to create healthy communities.  It is with this philosophy that we hope this connection group will support parents in raising their children and foster relationships which in turn will build healthy communities.

Please ensure you are located within the SD20 catchment area. Preference will be given to those whose district school will be Rossland Summit School in Sept 2024 for the Rossland groups, and Webster Elementary in Sept 2024, for the Warfield groups.

The Glenmerry Connection Groups will run for three Thursdays starting on February 8th, 2024 ending on February 22nd 2024. The Fruitvale Connection Groups will run for three Tuesdays starting on February 6th, 2024 and ending on February 20th, 2024. Refreshments with be provided at these groups which starts at 4:00 PM and ends at 6:00 PM. Childcare will be provided. If transportation is a barrier please contact FAN

Registration is limited to 12 families, so please register early! An email will be sent to you to confirm your attendance. Please be advised that your confidentiality will be respected, and we appreciate and expect the same for all of the participants.