Children’s Lead Testing available now for children 3-36 months. Balloons and toys for the children plus a chance to win gift certificate from Ferraro Foods.
Does your child, age 3-36 months live or spend the majority of their day in Trail or Rivervale? Do you have children aged 6-60 months living in a recently renovated home anywhere in the Greater Trail area? Is your child, aged 6-60 months, new to the Trail or Rivervale area? If so, you are invited to participate in one of the Fall Children’s Lead Testing Clinics.
This is a free service, but pre-registration is a must. There will be balloons and toys for the children plus a chance to win gift certificates from Ferraro Foods. Contact 250-364-6223 for more information and to book your appointment.
Clinics take place Sept 11, 13, 19 20, 25 and 26th with several appointment times available throughout the day. Clinics happen at Kiro Wellness Centre 1500 Columbia Avenue in Trail.
Download: Lead Testing Clinics – Poster