1300 Pine Avenue
Trail BC
What is it? Among other things, the group provides cultural connections and experiences; a traditional talking circle, an opportunity to learn about the effects of colonization, medicine wheel teachings, as well as an opportunity to meet other parents and Elders in the community. Dinner is provided at 4:30 pm.
When: Thursdays, September 21 – November 2, 2023. 4.00-7.00pm
Where it Happens: Trail United Church, 1300 Pine Ave, Trail BC
Ages: Parents and Caregivers caring for an indigenous child
Cost: Free, onsite childcare is provided free of charge
Get in Touch: For more information, please contact Jessica, familyconnections@coinations.net, 250-608-3679 or Brittany earlyintervention@coinations.net, 778-633-0221
Website: https://www.coinations.net