Parenting Links

Making connections

Online Parenting Resources

Here are some links to other early childhood websites and some useful downloads. If you know of other online resources that you visit and would like to share with other people, contact the Family Action Network with your suggestions.

While every effort has been made to provide links to current, credible websites, the Family Action Network is not responsible for the content on or updates to the web resources listed here. The views shared on the websites listed below may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Family Action Network. We reserve the right to remove or add websites in this section.

Parent Links

Decoda LEAP (Literacy, Education, Action and Play) activities for kids 0-3:

Pregnancy Passport:

Aboriginal Pregnancy Passport:

Baby’s Best Chance and Toddler’s First Steps Books

Growing up Healthy: A Resource Booklet for First Nations and Métis Parents in BC:

Backpack Buddies provides a weekly bag of food including meals and snacks to feed children the weekend and beyond.