Checking Development
Ages and Stages Clinic
Come and check your child’s development at an upcoming spring or fall Ages and Stages Clinic. Early childhood professionals are available for free during the event. The fall clinic is pre registration only. For more information, emial or call FAN at 1-855-368-3707.
Next Clinic: Novebmer 21st and 22nd, 2024 in Rossland BC BC, 4pm until 7pm on the 21st and 9am until 4pm on the 22nd at Seven Summits Cetnre for Learning.
Nickleplate Park - Rossland, BC
Check Early – Check Often
Early Developmental Check Ups
Early developmental check up tools gather information in five developmental areas:
- Communication (“Am I talking to you?” “Am I hearing you?”)
- Gross motor skills (“Am I crawling, rolling over, trying to walk?”)
- Fine motor skills (“Can I use a crayon, pick up small objects?”)
- Problem solving (“Do I recognize myself in a mirror?”)
- Social – Personal (“How do I interact with others?” “How do I express feelings?”)
When you participate in early check ups with your child, she or he will demonstrate their abilities in each of the five developmental areas. There are general age-based milestones that most children will pass through as they grow and learn. With regular developmental checkups, you have a way of tracking your child’s progress.
Prevent Little Bumps From Becoming Big Hurdles
Parents become very skilled at noticing all the little changes that happen as their child begins to learn and grow. Occasionally, a child hits a small bump in one of the developmental areas and could benefit from a little help.
When children get help early it helps to prevent them from falling behind, and from a small bump becoming a larger hurdle. Regular check ups a good way to track your child’s development.
Grandparents Play An Important Role
Nickleplate Park - Rossland, BC
Ages & Stages –
Developmental Check Up Events
One of FAN’s key objectives is to raise awareness about the importance of regularly checking all children from birth to age five for developmental milestones. Our Ages and Stages events, offered in partnership with local early childhood professionals, provide a chance for local families to have a free, one hour appointment to check their child’s development. Families can ask questions during the appointment about topics like eating, sleeping, walking, behaviour and talking.
FAN is committed to offering two Ages and Stages events each year: a Fall Mobile Clinic and a Spring Trail Clinic.
Ages & Stages Events Schedule
Spring Ages and Stages Clinic
Rotating through our Lower Columbia communities, this clinic will set up at a child-friendly location and offer local families the opportunity to have their children’s development checked. Families appreciate the opportunity to connect to a professional and ask questions about topics like eating, sleeping, behaviour, walking and talking.
Next Clinic: April 12, 2024 @ 9AM-4PM the Memorial Centre in Trail BC
Drop in, parent led event, for more info call 1-855-368-3707
Fall Ages and Stages Clinic
This event brings several early childhood and health professionals together under one roof for the day. Families can have their children screened for age-based developmental milestones, providing a snapshot of a child’s development at their current age.
Next Clinic: November 21st and 22nd, 2024, 4pm until 7pm on the 21st, 9am until 4pm on the 22nd. By Appointment. Seven Summits Centre for Learning, Rossland BC
Checking Development Information
Where Can I Get Development Check Ups Done Locally?
- Kiro Wellness Clinic – 6 Month and 18 month Well Baby Check Up with Public Health Nurse
- Ages and Stages Clinics – Annually, Fall and Spring events
- Kootenay Family Place – Infant Development and Supported Child Development Program
- Check Up Distribution Centres – See adjacent list
Check Early Check Often Check Up Distribution Centres
- Rossland Strong Start – A CBAL program
- Fruitvale Strong Start – A Trail Family and Individual Resource Centre program
- Four Winds Daycare – Rossland Group Licensed Childcare Centre
- Beaver Valley Nursery School – Preschool for 3-5 year olds in the Beaver Valley
- Building Beautiful Babies – A Trail Family and Individual Resource Centre program
- CCRR Trail Office – Resources for parents and daycare operators, including the toy lending library. A Trail Family and Individual Resource Centre program
- Castlegar and Area Locations – Click here